Orphan Island book cover

Orphan Island / Laurel Snyder

“Nine on an Island, orphans all. Any more, the sky might fall.”
Everything seems perfect on Orphan Island. The children have food,
shelter, water, and happiness together. Each year, the kids have
come to expect the “changing,” when a small green boat arrives to
deliver a young child and take away the eldest child on the island
—-never to be seen again by the orphans…
Nobody knows where they go, including Jinny’s best friend, Deen,
whose time has come to leave. According to the sacred “rules,”
the next eldest child takes care of the new young child. Jinny is
now left in charge of a little girl named Ess. As the year goes on,
Jinny grows to care for Ess and starts to question the rules and
why they were sent to the island in the first place. The
inevitable day arrives when the green boat shows up, but will she
leave? And if she doesn’t leave, what will happen?

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