Catherine's War

Catherine’s War / Julia Billet

The story starts with us being introduced to Rachel, a budding photographer living in The Children’s Home in France. The general marshall visits and the teachers learn that the yellow star is now mandatory, marking those students who are Jewish. The teachers do not want to comply because they are supposed to be protecting all of their students. But if they don’t comply, the government will shut their school down and everyone will be in danger. The teachers come up with a plan on how to get false papers for the children, which means they’ll have to change their names and get used to their new identity quickly. The students are allowed to choose their new name. While working as an assistant to the teacher who runs the photo workshop at school, he asks if she’s thought of a new name yet. She says no, and he suggests his sister’s name, Catherine. Will the teachers be able to keep Catherine and her other classmates safe during WWII? Recommended for children aged 8-12.