Wishtree book cover

Wishtree / Katherine Applegate

Did you ever look at a big, old tree and wonder if it
has feelings? Can it feel when someone carves something
into its trunk or branches? What about the things it has seen?
If it could talk, what would it say?
Red is a very big and very old oak tree, who is known as the
“wishtree” by everyone in the neighborhood. His closest
friend is a crow named Bongo and all of the animals living
on its branches and inside its hollows are his family.

Every year on the 1st of May, people attach scraps of fabric
or paper with a wish onto his branches.
– Some are for $$
– Some are for healing
– Some are for better grades
– Better weather, etc.
– And even things that might seem impossible…

Red brings friends and families together. Almost everyone
in the neighborhood loves Red – almost everyone – even those
who may have forgotten their family’s history with Red…

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