Image of a young lady in overalls holding an envelope overlooking a seaside hotel as the wind blows her hair.

The Wrong Way Home / Kate O'Shaughnessy

In her whole young life, Fern has really only experienced “home” in two ways: either it’s hopping from house to house and town to town as her mom tries to find a situation that will work for them, or it’s the other extreme—a secluded compound called The Ranch, run by a man named Dr. Ben, where everyone is taught to stay away from the things he considers the downfall of modern society. Things like cell phones and televisions don’t even exist at the Ranch, but Fern and her mother have been living at the compound for long enough that Fern really doesn’t know any other way to be. And when her mom decides once and for all that Fern needs a real home, Fern thinks she knows better. Ages 10 and up.  

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