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Things have been difficult for Trent since the accident, to say the least.  It was a stroke of bad luck that was the catalyst that ended another boy’s life, but Trent blames himself.  He’s also not dealing very well with his father’s new family.  Will a strange new friend with a mysterious scar be enough to help him realize that there is more to life than his anger? …


Ware is a kind and creative kid who just wants to be left alone to read and learn and follow the code of the knights of times long ago.  Unfortunately, he’s an introvert in a family of extroverts who just don’t see things the way he does.  When an accident in his family throws his mellow, introspective summer way off course,…

Maybe He Just Likes You

Seventh grader Mila is suddenly receiving a lot of attention from the boys on the basketball team and their friends – and she doesn’t like it. They keep touching her and ignoring her requests to leave her alone. The other students think she should be doing more to stop it, not understanding that the boys don’t care that she’s tried telling the boys “no.”…


Edie wants to learn more about her Native American heritage, but unfortunately, her mom (who was adopted) seems reluctant to help her learn more.   When Edie stumbles upon a box in the attic which contains glamorous head shots of a beautiful Native American woman who shares Edie’s name, her world is turned upside down. Join Edie, her family, and one loyal friend as they begin to understand and heal from the past together….


In the aftermath of 12-year-old Jerome’s death at the hands of a police officer, everyone must come to terms with the incident—including Jerome’s ghost and the daughter of the officer. A heartbreaking novel about violence and all the souls it affects. Ages 10 and up….