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A Monster Like Me

Born with a blood tumor covering half her face, 10-year-old Sophie has to endure bullying from kids and insensitive remarks from adults alike. This means that she avoids doing activities in which she cannot hide her face and instead finds refuge in her book about monsters. The school often equally blames the bully and the victim, giving them both the same punishment….

The Portal

Rose Ashley has moved in with her grandmother after the sudden death of her mother. Grief-stricken, horribly bullied at school, and missing her creative outlet because her sewing machine has not arrived to her grandmother’s yet, Rose takes solace in her grandmother’s greenhouse. One night in the greenhouse, she suddenly, she finds herself in 1543 Tudor England as a servant to Princess Elizabeth I,…

Because Of The Rabbit

It’s been tough for Emma to adjust to public middle school after years of being homeschooled, but thankfully, a rescued rabbit helps her learn a lot about making friends, being herself, and seeing things from others’ points of view.  Ages 8 and up….


Caitlyn is a new student at a small, very unique school, and on her first day she goes pretty much unnoticed—because everyone is in an uproar about someone named Paulie Fink no longer being their classmate.   As Caitlyn learns more about the stunts and pranks that the former class legend Paulie pulled over the years, it forces her to think about her own choices and what it means to be loyal–and just how big a difference there is between being funny and being mean. …


Cat is a girl who knows all about the importance of looking out for your family.  She lost her dad to cancer, and now is helping to take care of her younger brother who has special needs.  She loves her brother very much and feels very responsible for anything that happens to him, but when a big change in family vacation plans occurs,…