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Orphan Island book cover

“Nine on an Island, orphans all. Any more, the sky might fall.”
Everything seems perfect on Orphan Island. The children have food,
shelter, water, and happiness together. Each year, the kids have
come to expect the “changing,” when a small green boat arrives to
deliver a young child and take away the eldest child on the island
—-never to be seen again by the orphans…
Nobody knows where they go,…

Wishtree book cover

Did you ever look at a big, old tree and wonder if it
has feelings? Can it feel when someone carves something
into its trunk or branches? What about the things it has seen?
If it could talk, what would it say?
Red is a very big and very old oak tree, who is known as the
“wishtree” by everyone in the neighborhood….

Book cover of Hello, Universe

How do the lives of 4 very different middle school kids
come together to save more than one life? Virgil Salinas
just wants to NOT be a “grand failure” and hopes
neighborhood “psychic” Kaori will help him find a way to
talk to Valencia Somerset – the girl that he’d kind of
planned on talking to since the beginning of the school year….

Book cover of Rooting for Rafael Rosales by Kurtis Scaletta

This is the story of Rafael Rosales, a boy living in the Dominican Republic in the not-so-distant past, with big dreams and serious passion when it comes to playing baseball.  This is also the story of Maya, who is twelve years old and currently lives with her parents and older sister, Grace, in Minneapolis.  Maya cares much more about bees and the environment than she does about baseball,…

Book cover of No Water No Bread by Luis Amavisca

Two groups pf people, separated by a fence, each have a resource that the other needs.  Both are resistant to share.  Find out what happens when a third group arrives, having nothing to offer the other two groups.  This tale of differences, kindness, and the wisdom of children.  Recommended for ages 4 and up….