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Book cover of Onec Upon a Place compiled by Eoin Colfer

A collection of 11 new short stories and 6 new poems by Ireland’s top children’s writers, edited by Laureate na nOg Eoin Colfer and illustrated by world renowned artist PJ Lynch. Each of the stories and poems is based around the theme of place, being set or inspired by a particular location within Ireland.  Recommended for ages 10 and up….

Book cover of Outside In by Jennifer Bradbury

Ram is a street kid in India.  He has spent his whole life feeling that he is important in some way, but hasn’t yet figured out how.  One day, he crosses paths with not only beautiful found-art statues hidden in the forest, but the man who has been creating them.  Through the sculptures and through stories of Indian traditions, Ram and the artist craft a friendship that will change both of their lives….

Book cover of Felix Yz by Liza Bunker

Thirteen-year-old Felix has all of the usual middle school problems: bullies, anxiety about his crush, and a wacky but lovable family. But unlike other kids his age, Felix is fused with a fourth-dimensional being named Zyx who loves chess and reveals himself at inopportune moments. Starting just a few weeks before the Procedure that will separate the two (or kill them),…

Book cover of A Dog Like Daisy by Kristin O'Donnell Tubb

Rescue dog Daisy has just moved in with her new pack, the Abeyta family, and everyone is having a bit of trouble adjusting.  Daisy very much wants to be useful to her new family, so she begins enthusiastically–but hardly perfectly–training to become combat veteran Colonel Abeyta’s service dog in order to assist him with his PTSD.  A beautiful and extremely heartwarming story about a lot of different family members (and species) learning to trust and save each other. …

Book cover of The Song from Somewhere Else by A.F. Harrold

It’s not easy for Francesca (Frank) to deal with bullies or to have her beloved cat go missing, but it’s even harder for her to make friends with weird Nick from school, who is even less popular than she is. The trouble is, Frank keeps hearing strange, otherworldly music coming from Nick’s house.  When she investigates, she learns that both Nick and the world she is used to are much more complicated than she thought. …