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Child standing between trees facing a house

Bug’s uncle Roderick has recently passed away after a long illness. Moira, Bug’s best friend, tries to help by distracting Bug with their upcoming entry into middle school – how to do nails, make up, sleepovers, etc. But Bug is more distracted by the ghost that’s haunting the house. Bug is convinced that it’s uncle Roderick and that he’s not at peace….

Book cover of Gussy by Jimmy Cajoleas

Gussy and Grandpa Widow are an inseparable team in a very strange place.  They live in an isolated desert village surrounded by a wall that keeps the Great Doom outside and keeps the villagers safe inside.  They are Protectors, sworn to uphold all the special rites and rituals which keep everyone and everything in the town from becoming infected by the Doom. …

Girl floating on her back in a pool

Ellie has been teased her whole life for her weight. The kids at school pull mean pranks on her; adults make rude comments to her in public; but her biggest bully is her mother, who dictates her diet, goes through the garbage to make sure Ellie didn’t eat anything extra, refuses to buy her new clothes, and passive aggressively leaves articles in the kitchen about dieting and bariatric surgery….

Boy wearing tank top, shorts, and cape in a superman pose

Portico is a boy who lives in what he calls a “castle,” with his mom, dad, and grandma.The apartment complex is home to an assortment of neighbors including his best friend Zola, and his arch nemesis Herbert Singletary the Worst. Portico has a few secrets. One, he is actually a superhero called Stuntboy! His purpose is to save those he cares about with his amazing stunts….

Large head of wolf open mouthed toward girl with red cape

The author takes 12 well-known fairytales — such as Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, and Peter Pan — and rewrites them with his own spin, making them darker and adding some twists to the originals. For instance, in the retelling of Little Red Riding Hood, every year the prettiest girl in the village is sacrificed to the wolves. This year,…