Youth – World Languages
Browse Youth world language resources.
Our Collection

World Language Books
We have many different languages represented in our book collection in the Youth Services room. Click a link under “All Languages” to see what books are available in your language! We have fiction and nonfiction in most languages, and we are always working to bring you more books!

World Language eBooks
World Language eBooks
Did you know you can search Libby for world language books? Just use the search filter sidebar on the left side of the Kids page to filter by language!

World Language Magazines
World Language Magazines
Did you know that some World Language magazines for kids are available through Libby? Click the link below to get to magazines for Kids & Teens, then use the “Language” filter on the left to choose a language!

World Language Kits
World Language Kits
Among our World Language Kits, you’ll find flash cards, games, alphabet blocks and more to help you and your child on your language learning journey.

World Language DVDs
Explore our collection of movies in other languages!

World Language Databases
World Language Databases
Head over to the World Languages area of our Youth Databases page for more learning fun. If you want to learn a new language, check out Mango or Little Pim. If you’d like to try the Spanish or Arabic versions of the popular World Book for Kids database, you’ll find them there as well! (Also, did you know that many of the research articles found on our databases can be translated into lots of different languages, either through tools in the databases themselves, or by using Google Translate? See a Youth Librarian for more information!)