

What's New!

The Distracted Librarians Podcast

Our adventurers continue on their quest to recover the Sword of the Sylverleaf Forest on the latest episode of The Distracted Librarians! Join the Nicole, Drew, Emily, and Killian as they continue their D&D adventure in honor of the Summer Reading Challenge.

The Distracted Librarians can be found on Podbean, Apple Podcasts, YouTube Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, and PlayerFM.

Want to join the conversation?…

Illustration of people at round table with book on top.

Current year registration is ongoing. Registration for the September 2024 to August 2025 book clubs begins August 1, 2024. Registration is for new members and those planning to continue their participation in each club.

By registering, Bloomfield Township residents automatically reserve a copy of each month’s book. Nonresidents are welcome to register but must source a copy elsewhere….

50 Book Challenge

Join this new year-round reading challenge for adults (ages 16+). The Library challenges you to read 50 books – there’s no deadline, so you can go at your own pace. Stop by the Adult and Teen Services desk for more information on how to track your progress, to learn about the small prizes you’ll earn along the way, and to find prompts that will inspire your next read….

bright yellow splash on comic background

Check out the list of events and activities we have planned for teens this Summer! All teens age 13-18 are welcome to participate. Click on the links for more information and to register for any programs. 

Upcoming Events

  • Sign up for Summer Reading on Beanstack! Just for signing up, Teens can select a free book from the Adult &
Virtual Read Aloud, Optimism Within, Helen Keller. Image of magnolia blossoms.

Helen Keller (1880 – 1968) was an American author and activist best known for her advocacy work for disability rights. Her authorship includes numerous books, essays, and speeches, most notably her biography The Story of My Life.

Keller published Optimism: An Essay in 1903, dedicated to her teacher (presumably Anne Sullivan, who served as her beloved instructor and friend throughout her life)….

What we are reading, listening to, and watching

New Books in July 2024

New DVDs: July

Beach Nonfiction

90s “Classic” Novels

High-Demand Titles Available Now on hoopla


Courtroom Dramas on DVD

New DVDs: June