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The Plot Thickens, Teen Edition. Image of a podcasting microphone.

Teen Fiction Featuring Podcasts and Podcasters


The Kids Are Gonna Ask / Gretchen Anthony

After their mother’s death, twins Thomas and Savannah McClair launch a podcast in an effort to find the biological father they never knew, only to get caught in a national debate as their show gains popularity.


The Headmaster’s List / Melissa De La Cruz

Unable to remember anything about the car crash that killed a fellow elite prep school student,…

The podcast Thickens: Fiction Featuring Podcasts and Podcasters.

Fiction Featuring Podcasts and Podcasters


Are You Sleeping / Kathleen Barber

Distancing herself from her brutally unhealthy family to the point that she lies about her identity to her partner, Josie is forced to confront the past and her own choices when an investigative reporter’s mega-hit podcast reopens Josie’s father’s murder case….

Composite image of 7 high-demand new novels including The Women by Kristin Hannah and The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride

If you’ve put one of these hot new releases on hold, we’ve got suggestions for other great books to pick up now.

If you’re eager to read…The Women by Kristin Hannah, check out:

The Great Alone / Kristin Hannah In this book club favorite a former Vietnam POW, suffering from flashbacks and nightmares, moves his family to Alaska to live off the grid in an attempt to find peace,…

Hand drawn clock with text "fast fiction: books at 200 pages or less."

Fast, but not flash, fiction and often more than a novella, you can read these titles from cover to cover during a long afternoon or a flight to LAX.


The House on Mango Street / Sandra Cisneros / 110 pages

This book tells the story of Esperanza Cordero, a young girl growing up in the Hispanic quarter of Chicago,…

Books About Bugs. Image of books stacked up in the grass with bugs positioned nearby.

We know: not all wing-fluttering, web-spinning, and creeping-crawling critters are “bugs.” But you can still celebrate springtime by reading about the littlest residents of the great outdoors.

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Garden Bugs & Insects of the Midwest: Identify Pollinators, Pests, and Other Garden Visitors / Jaret C. Daniels

Simple and convenient, organized by group for quick and easy identification….