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Virtual Read Aloud, Optimism Within, Helen Keller. Image of magnolia blossoms.

Helen Keller (1880 – 1968) was an American author and activist best known for her advocacy work for disability rights. Her authorship includes numerous books, essays, and speeches, most notably her biography The Story of My Life.

Keller published Optimism: An Essay in 1903, dedicated to her teacher (presumably Anne Sullivan, who served as her beloved instructor and friend throughout her life)….

Virtual Read-Alouds. Stack of books next to retro-style microphone.

Settle in—it’s story time! Enjoy a softly read short story, poem, or essay read aloud by an Adult & Teen Services librarian.

The Virtual Read-Aloud program is designed to celebrate classic stories and traditional storytelling. These short form “audiobooks” offer listeners the chance to enjoy a quick, accessible narrative that combines literature with ambient sounds and seasonally-relevant elements….

Virtual Read-Aloud. The Garden of the Nymphs, Sappho.

All around through the apple boughs in blossom murmur cool the breezes of early summer . . .

Sappho (c. 630 – c. 570 BC) was an Archaic Greek poet, lauded as one of the greatest poets of any age. Sometimes referred to as the “Tenth Muse” and “The Poetess,” Sappho’s surviving works predominately include lyric poetry with subjects of love,…

Movie Discussion Club with DVD covers

Watch the selected movie at home before joining the discussion at the Library.  All movies are in the Library’s media collection or on Kanopy.  
Upcoming Watch List**:
June 4 – Aftersun (2022), directed by Charlotte Wells
July 2 — No meeting
August 6 – Heaven’s Gate (1980), directed by Michael Cimino
**Movies are subject to change on Kanopy.

Widget Library By Mail

Can’t get to the Library?  Let us deliver to you.

The Bloomfield Township Public Library offers a Library By Mail Program for patrons of all ages, including children and elderly individuals. This is the perfect program for those who are immunocompromised, who have vulnerable household members or who are restricted to their homes. We will send requested Library materials to you in the mail,…

What we are reading, listening to, and watching

New DVDs: June

Best Beach Reads

The Podcast Thickens — Teen Edition

The Podcast Thickens

What to Read While You Wait

Fast Fiction

Books About Bugs

New DVDs: May