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Book cover of Dream, Annie, Dream by Waka T. Brown

Set in Kansas in 1987, Aoi – who has recently decided to go by “Annie” because she’s tired of having her name mispronounced – is excited about her summer theatre camp because this year, they will all have an opportunity to audition for “Annie,” the musical the local theatre group is putting on. Annie auditions for the role of Annie and aces her audition…but she receives a very small role in the play….

Blonde boy with glasses wearing a backpack and holding a pie

Elliott is struggling with 6th grade. His best friend moved away, his dad and his new wife are expecting a baby, he almost failed 6th grade earlier in the year, and his new friends decided they didn’t want him in their end of the year project. Further complicating things is that Elliott always feels like a disappointment to his dad because of his ADHD and,…

African American girl holding a chick hatching out of an egg

Jillian “wins” a math competition to her foe, Rashida, but ultimately loses because she’s so painfully shy that she doesn’t want to draw attention to herself. Jillian’s teacher realizes the truth and encourages Jillian to participate in the school’s Mind Benders competition to help herself learn to speak up. Jillian isn’t sure she wants to do this, but she does want to keep her promise to her beloved grandmother that she would work hard to be her true self….

Side profile of a head of a girl with eyes closed

Addie is an autistic girl living in Juniper, Scotland. Addie processes the world differently from those around her, but many in the community do not understand this about her; she does not like being talked to and treated like she’s “stupid”, but that’s exactly how many people see her. This includes Ms. Murphy, her teacher who regularly yells at her for being different and does not stop other students for teasing her in class….

Book cover of Glitter Gets Everywhere by Yvette Clark

After 11-year-old Londoner Kitty’s mom passes away, Kitty finds that the world has the audacity to continue spinning and that she has to find a “new normal.”  As the months pass, she learns that grief leaves little pieces of itself everywhere—like glitter.  When Kitty’s dad proposes that the family move across the ocean for a few months, Kitty’s not sure it’s the right choice. …