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Many colorful wooden toys for young children in a pile

Drop in for unstructured play, building, and discovery in the Story Room on Fridays, 10 a.m. – Noon. Caregivers and little ones of all ages can interact with toys and books that support each child’s learning and development. Adaptive toys for children with low vision, motor difficulties, or other accessibility needs will be included. No registration required.

No program on May 3.

Adult kneeling down to talk with young child

In times of crisis and trauma, it can be difficult to know what to say to kids who are worried and have questions. We have materials available in the Youth Room, including our Parenting collection, and have compiled several online resources below to help support such these conversations.

Sesame Street – Community and Gun Violence
Sesame Street –…

Front of traveling van

Are you going on a family road trip soon? Browse our music CD collection in the Library or check out an album on hoopla! Click on an image below to read more about that title in our catalog or on hoopla….

What we are reading, listening to, and watching


Nothing Else But Miracles

Light and Air

An Occasionally Happy Family

The International House of Dereliction

The Death and Life of Benny Brooks

I Cannot Draw a Bicycle

The Bellwoods Game